
because of care 1

oh hi! ermm today is the day of ielts specking test what a nervous day haha btw today quite happy ohhh no quite is lot of happy and joy hahah i can't imagine that you will say加油 to me i know it seem like a easy task? but for me, it like a pill like a drug that full of power and strength i know saying it like that is quite overstate however it ready ready help me hahah like a child that lose his parent and found them suddenly because of ielts, actually my mood is erratic and fluctuate. and thank for you JY thank for your jiayou haha you know when i heard the voice message i am feel like angles surrounding me haha i don't know how to describe it but i am at the cloud nine at that moment. ermm haha more than thank hope not another "good person card" may no haha huh more thank thank :)



这是一则来自北极的博文。 好的,就这样 我的六年上课的生涯就此告一段落。 说得上精彩吗? 也不过如此 有值得怀念的东西吗? 认真想一想,确实还有点东西令我怀念的。 之前的我,总想着,快点毕业,我要去实践我想实践的东西 确实,口是心非啊 在朋友面前,总是装着若无其事, 现在到了最后一天的晚上既然在怀念。我说我真的是一个奇怪的人,奇怪到极致的人 嘴里说毕业,心里却舍不得。 这是怎么的一个冲突呢,纠结的很 6年回首,好多回忆啊,历历在目,眼前一直的跳出的画面,我阻止比较,真想静静的坐下来看着6年的缩影 6年就像一场电影,进出的人很多,留下来陪你看的不多 剧终人散,留下来的即使你一辈子的伴 那一位刚刚在毕业考认识的朋友 :) 加油, :))